

阅读:12418 发布于:2018-06-12 14:24

  目: 身份与跨文化传播 Identity and Intercultural Communication

  间:6月13日 周三 09:30-11:30


主讲人:冯海荣 Hairong Feng (Ph.D., Purdue University)



身份是文化和沟通之间的桥梁。因为我们对别人表达我们的身份,并且通过沟通认识我们自己的身份,所以身份是个重要的概念。正是通过沟通,和家人,朋友,及他人的沟通,我们理解自己并建构我们的身份。在跨文化互动中,身份问题尤其重要。该讲座先讲述语言在理解身份时所起的重要作用以及少数群组和多数群组的身份是如何形成发展的。 随后我们探讨社会身份和文化身份发展的具体方面,包括性别、种族、民族、阶级、宗教和国籍。讲座还会涉及身份为什么会时常和沟通中出现的问题有关系,包括刻板印象、偏见和歧视。最后我们也会讨论一个越来越重要的身份,即“多元文化个体身份”的方方面面。


Identity serves as a bridge between culture and communication. It is important because we communicate our identity to others, and we learn who we are through communication. It is through communication—with our family, friends, and others—that we come to understand ourselves and form our identity. Issues of identity are particularly important in intercultural interactions. This lecture explores the important role language plays in understanding identity and how minority and majority identities develop. Then this lecture turns to the development of specific aspects of our social and cultural identity including those related to gender, race, or ethnicity, class, religion, and nationality. The lecture also describes how these identities are often related to problematic communication—stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. An increasingly important identity—that of multicultural individuals will be discussed as well.




冯海荣博士2007年毕业于普渡大学传播系,现为明尼苏达大学德鲁斯分校(University of Minnesota Duluth)文学院传播系终身教授,美国中华传播学会2014-2015年会长。她目前的研究领域包括人际传播、跨文化传播、人际关怀和健康传播等。研究成果发表在美国传播领域的顶级期刊并荣获国际传播学会和美国传播学会的最佳论文奖。近年来更多关注中国跨文化传播的发展,多次参加在中国举办的跨文化沟通研讨会。


Hairong Feng (Ph.D., Purdue University) is associate professor of communication at the University of Minnesota Duluth, USA. Her research interests lie in intercultural and interpersonal communication with a special focus on supportive communication. She has published in Communication Research, Communication Quarterly, Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, Health Communication, Asian Journal of Communication, Intercultural Communication Studies, and China Media Research.
