

阅读:12592 发布于:2018-06-19 10:51

题  目: 社交媒体上的大数据研究 

Big data and communication research on social media sites.

时  间:6月20日 周三 09:30-11:30

地  点:59599aa美高梅(中国)BinG百科B203东森报告厅

主讲人: 沈粹华(PhD, USC Annenberg School)

介  绍:

沈粹华现任美国加州大学戴维斯分校传播系终身教授,计算传播实验室主任。她在美国南加州大学安娜伯格传播学院获得博士学位。她的研究领域集中在新媒体,社会网络分析,虚拟世界(包括网络游戏社区),大数据和组织传播。她的研究得到美国国家科学基金资助,在多种传播学和社会学顶级国际学术期刊(包括Communication Research, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, New Media and Society, Social Networks, Information, Communication and Society,等) 发表了三十余篇论文, 并由Springer出版专著一部。自2017年起,她担任国际传播学会(ICA)计算方法分会副会长,Communication Research编委,同时任美国国家科学基金,Routledge出版社以及二十多种知名国际学术期刊审稿人。


Cuihua Shen (PhD, USC Annenberg School) is associate professor at the Department of Communication, University of California, Davis, and Director of the Computational Communication Research Lab (C2 lab). Her research interests include new media, social network analysis, virtual worlds, big data and organizational communication. Her research has been funded by the National Science Foundation and  published at various top communication and sociology journals, including Communication Research, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, New Media and Society, Social Networks, Information, Communication and Society, etc. Since 2017, she has been the Vice Chair of Computational Methods Interest Group of International Communication Association and editorial board member of Communication Research. She regularly reviews for NSF, Routledge and numerous academic journals.       
