

阅读:14725 发布于:2016-03-03 08:55

第二届东方设计论坛(The 2nd Oriental Design Forum)


2016 International Symposium on Eastern Culture and Design Philosophy






基于此,我们发起举办2016东方文化与设计哲学国际研讨会(2016 International Symposium on Eastern culture and design philosophy),作为第二届东方设计论坛的主要学术活动之一,围绕“东方文化与设计哲学”这一主题,旨在探讨如何将东方文化和哲学与设计相融合并推动东方设计理论体系的建立与完善。










4. 东西方设计比较;

















(三)论文提交方式:来稿请发送至邮箱  orientaldesign@aliyun.com




联系人:华章 13675166747, 孟乐 13788989013

电  话:021-34207694


地  址:上海闵行东川路800号媒设大楼

邮  编:200240



(上海交通大学媒体与设计学院 代章) 



The 2nd Oriental Design Forum

2016 International Symposium on Eastern Culture and Design Philosophy


Call For Papers


1 Background and Aim

The Oriental Design Forum was initiated by the School of Media and Design from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, playing a positive role in inviting design professionals and scholars from both home and abroad to deeply discuss the advanced theories and practical problems of the design discipline. The aim of the forum is to encourage sharing of ideas and resources, so as to create a worldwide platform with strong academic competence and social influence. Thanks to the support of all parties, the 1st Oriental Design Forum has been successfully held in Shanghai on November 13, 2015.

With the constant progress of social technology, the design industry has made rapid development in recent years. To realize the transformation from Made in China to Created in China, the design discipline has been catapulted to an unprecedented level of importance nowadays. In western countries, design has already developed into a relatively mature discipline, while in China it is still at its early stage.

Eastern design philosophy is a systematic pattern based on traditional eastern culture. In order to address theoretical and practical problems in the design field, every design scholar needs to consider how to maintain the traditional culture as well as present the individual identity. Till now many scholars have studied the integration of eastern culture and design discipline but most of their research results still remain preliminary, fragmentary and lack of systematization.

The 2016 International Symposium on Eastern Culture and Design Philosophy is an important part of the 2nd Oriental Design Forum. This symposium will favor deep discussions about how to combine eastern culture& philosophy with design and establish the theoretical system of eastern design.


2 Organizational Information

The 2016 International Symposium on Eastern Culture and Design Philosophy, approved by the Ministry of Education, will be co-hosted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Southeast University and Dong Hua University, jointly organized by the School of Media and Design (SJTU), the School of Arts (SEU), the School of Fashion, Art and Design (DHU) as well as Shanghai MFA Education Instructive Committee.

The symposium will take place in Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Minhang) on April 6, 2016. It will invite leading experts, scholars as well as entrepreneurs in the field of art and design to discuss the combination of eastern culture and design theories so as to establish the theoretical system of eastern design. This symposium will also help to promote the city construction of Shanghai as being the City of Design and International Center of Technological Innovation. The organizing committee will publish the Proceedings of Eastern Design Research after the symposium.

We would like to warmly welcome you to submit papers and look forward to seeing you in Shanghai, China in April 2016!


3 Main Topics

The theme of this symposium is Eastern Culture and Design Philosophy so it will include, but not limited to, the following topics.

- Concept and System of Eastern Design

- Traditional Culture and Eastern Design

- Frontier Issues in Contemporary Design

- Comparison between Eastern and Western Design

- City Construction of Shanghai as being the City of Design

- Designers and Design Education

- Arts, Design and Technology

- Design History and Study on Design works

- Internet and Design

- Design Management


4 Submission Requirements

(1) Contents

Firstly, the submitted papers should be corresponding to the symposium theme. Secondly, they should have clear viewpoint, sufficient evidences, advanced theoretical meaning and profound practical significance. Thirdly, the papers should have not yet been published. Experts from the technical committee of the symposium will review all submitted papers (submitting authors will be excluded from the technical committee). Authors of selected papers will receive invitation letters from the symposium and the selected papers will have the chance to be included in the symposium proceedings. The Organizing Committee will present the proceedings as a gift to all selected authors and issue excellent paper certificates.

(2) Format and Submission

- Submitted papers should be controlled with the length of 5000-15000 words; titles, Chinese& English abstracts, keywords and references should be listed.

- All papers should be submitted in the format of Microsoft Word in an A4 page. The only submitting way is to send emails to the symposium secretariat.

- The title of the submitting email should be in format of "2016 Oriental Design Forum paper submission+ author name+ work unit", first author should submit no more than 2 papers.

- Please make sure the name, work unit, post and title, detailed mailing address, postal code, telephone number and email address of the author are specified at the end of the paper.

- All the submitting papers should be original and haven't been published or presented in any journals or conferences. Authors should guarantee the papers are non-secret involved and have no problems with plagiarism, and they themselves will be responsible for the papers.



(3) Submitting email address

Secretariat email address: orientaldesign@aliyun.com.

Submitting will be confirmed by the email reply from the organizing committee.

(4) Deadline

March 16, 2016

(5) Contact of Organizing Committee

Contacts: Hua Zhang 13675166747, Meng Le 13788989013

Telephone: 021-34207694

Email: orientalregister@sina.com

Address: Media and Design Building, Dongchuan Road 800, Minhang, Shanghai

Postal Code: 200240




Organizing Committee of 2016 International Symposium

on Eastern Culture and Design Philosophy

School of Media and Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University


January 16, 2016


2016 International Symposium on Eastern Culture and Design Philosophy Call+for+papers.docx


第二届东方设计论坛英文邀请函an invitation to The 2nd Oriental Design Forum.docx
